Canton Park District

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The Canton Park District:


Historically, the Wallace Park area contained the city water wells and the building was the pumping station before Canton Lake was constructed. The western park boundary is defined by the meandering Big Creek that flows toward the Spoon River. Each year the park is transformed back into earlier years as one of the stops on the Fulton County Scenic Drive. Wallace Park was in the path of the very damaging tornado that struck Canton in 1975.


First park purchased and developed by Park District in 1926. A scenic drive follows the gently rolling terrain in contrast to the adjacent urban thoroughfares.


Spring officially arrives in Canton whenever the tulips are in full bloom in South Park. These beautiful floral displays really light up this square block park as the tree buds begin to emerge. Annual flowers replace the tulips during the summer months. The park offers an excellent viewing advantage for the annual Friendship Festival Parade that passes along its perimeter.



The Fulton County Flying Club is based at Ingersoll Airport and annually holds the Fly-in/Drive-in Breakfast that attracts planes from all over the Midwest.


Much cooperation between park, state and federal agencies and the private sector was needed to fulfill the idea to create Lakeland Park. The park is a showcase example of the recreational potential of reclaimed strip mined lands. Fulton County is very rich in history as a major coal mining area and Lakeland Park will always stand to remind future generations of that era. The Consolidation Coal Company donated the nearly 450 acres of land and water areas to the Park District and the park was then developed by state and federal grants. Many people enjoy feeding and viewing the trophy-sized fish from the bridge that spans the channel between Fitch and Bond Lakes.

To honor local astronaut Steven R. Nagel, the one hundredth astronaut in space, a space theme playground was dedicated in 1986. The location of the playground is on the old Canton Airport site before the land was mined and where Nagel learned to fly.

The park is a refuge for many waterfowl and wildlife species native to the plains of Illinois. Five prairie plots have been established to display wildflowers and grasses as seen by early settlers to the area. The best way to fully enjoy a visit to Lakeland Park is to walk the path that encompasses the entire park.

About CANTON: [ History - Education - Facts - Library - Transportation - Points of Interest - Parks ]

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Canton Area Chamber of Commerce
2 North Main (2nd Floor)
Canton IL 61520 USA

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