Parlin-Ingersoll Library
Canton, Illinois, USA
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- opened in 1894
- supported through endowment established in 1958 by Charles and Elizabeth Ingersoll, the library levies no taxes for its operation
- books and other print materials
- public access microcomputers
- audiovisual material, including video cassettes
- professional reference and information referral
- book delivery to the elderly
- inter-library loan
- Genealogy-Local History section is supported by the Fulton County Genealogical and Historical Society
Canton's Parlin-Ingersoll Library has long been outstanding and is well
attended and used daily. The Canton Library Association began in 1852. In the
will of William Parlin in 1892, money provided for erection of the Parlin
Library, a building now used as the City Building. Mrs. Josephine Herring Resor
was the first Librarian and a bronze plaque in her memory is now in the new
library. In 1957 Charles D. and Elizabeth Ingersoll gave and endowment fund and
the new Parlin-Ingersoll Library was constructed. Mr. Ingersoll had his office
there for a few years and continued with his financial support for this
splendid facility.
Visit the Parlin-Ingersoll Library Web Pages
About CANTON: [ History - Education
- Facts - Library -
Transportation - Points of Interest
- Parks ]
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Canton Area Chamber of Commerce
2 North Main (2nd Floor)
Canton IL 61520 USA
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