7th Illinois Cavalry

Partial extraction from pp. 53-101 in Vol. 8 of the Adjutant General's Report of State of Illinois.

Submitted by Carey Alan Wall , 808 Lincoln, Mattoon, IL 61938
Carey is looking for history of Company F of the 7th Illinois Cavalry.

Field and Staff of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry Regiment, Three Year's Service.

Col. William Pitt Kellog of Canton:  Resigned in June 1, 1862
Col. Edward Prince of Qunicy, IL: Mustered out October 15, 1864
Col. John M. Graham of New Harmony: Mustered out November 4, 1865

Lt. Col.  Edward Prince of Quincy, IL:  Promoted to Colonel
Lt. Col.  William D. Blackburn of Paris, IL:  Died of wounds, May 17, 1863
Lt. Col. George W. Trafton of New Haven: Discharged November 4, 1864
Lt. Col.  Henry C. Forbes of Freeport:  Mustered out November 4, 1865

Major Cyrus Hall of Shelbyville, IL: Resigned for Promotion Feb. 9, 1862
Major Jonas Rawalt of Canton: Resigned June 10, 1862
Major Zenas Applington of Polo, IL: Killed in Battle, May 15, 1862
Major Henry Case of Winchester:  Resigned April 24, 1862
Major Horatio C. Nelson of Canton:  Resigned June 22, 1863
Major Antrim P. Koehler of Otega: Resigned March 14, 1863
Major William D. Blackburn of Paris, IL: Promoted to Lt. Col.
Major Henry C. Forbes of Freeport: Promoted to Lt. Col.
Major John M. Graham of New Harmony:  Promoted to Colonel
Major Asa W. McDonald of Vandalia, IL: Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865
Major George A. Root of Lanark: Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865
Major Miles G. Wiley of New Harmony: Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865

Adjutant Sidney Stockdale of Canton:  Mustered out May 26, 1862
Adjutant George A. Root of Lanark:  Promoted to Major
Adjutant Allen W. Heald of Canton:  Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865

Battalion Adjutant Allen W. Heald of Canton: Promoted to Adjutant
Battalion Adjutant George Bestor:  Mustered out June 1, 1862
Battalion Adjutant Charles W. Willis:  Mustered out Sept. 6, 1862

Quartermaster William D. Dickerman:  Mustered out May 26, 1862
Quartermaster James R. W. Hinchman of Quincy:  Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865

Battalion Quartermaster
Josiah T. Noyes of Lightsville:  Died at Springer Farm, Miss. Date Unk.
John W. Reisor: Mustered out May 26, 1862

Surgeon Clark D. Rankin of Peoria, IL:  Resigned June 12, 1862
Surgeon Daniel Stahl of Quincy, IL:  Discharged Sept. 29, 1864
Surgeon Thomas J. Riggs of Chicago, IL:  Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865

1st Ass't Surgeon Thomas J. Riggs of Chicago, IL: Promoted to Surgeon
1st Ass't Surgeon Charles H. Norred of Dawson:  Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865
2nd Ass't Surgeon Alson J. Gilbert of Troy Grove:  Dismissed Sept. 15, 1864
2nd Ass't Surgeon Milton W. Nesmith of Manchester:  Mustered out Nov. 5, 1865

Chaplin Simon G. Miner of Decatur, IL:  Mustered out October 15, 1864

Commissarie Henry F. Barker of Vandalia, IL:  Mustered out Oct. 15, 1864
Commissarie Daniel E. Robbins of Abingdon:  Mustered out Nov. 4, 1865

Non-Commission Staff of the 7th Illinois Cavalry Regiment

Sgt. Major George M. Tunnison of Springfield, IL
Sgt. Major William O. Yaryan of Knoxville
Sgt. Major Augustus Leseure of Paris, IL
Sgt. Major Henry Voris of Shelbyville, IL
Sgt. Major Henry P. Heald of Canton, IL
Sgt. Major Marshall A. Hartley of Paris, IL
Sgt. Major William A. Waterbury of Lightsville
Sgt. Major James K. Moller of Mendota

Veterinary Surgeon Albert G. Livings of Grayville, IL

Quartermaster Sergeant
Q.M.Sgt. John A. Woolsey of Germantown, TN
Q.M.Sgt. Augustus C. Tyler of Galesburg, IL
Q.M.Sgt. Samuel Nutt of Unknown residence
Q.M.Sgt. Erasmus D. Chandler of Lightsville
Q.M.Sgt. Samuel W. Rode of Unknown residence
Q.M.Sgt. Thomas Upton of Vandalia, IL

Commis. Sgt. Benjamin F. Bartlett of Sublette
Commis. Sgt. Daniel E. Robbins of Abingdon
Commis. Sgt. Henry F. Barker of Vandalia, IL
Commis. Sgt. Lovel G. Hamlin of Canton, IL
Commis. Sgt. David B. Spencer of Germantown, TN
Commis. Sgt. Byron H. Tuller of Decatur, IL
Commis. Sgt. Charles Hemingway of Lightsville
Commis. Sgt. Arthur V. Ray of Canton, IL

Hospital Stewards
Henry Jayne of Springfield, IL
Daniel C. Jones of Unknown residence
Charles H. Hunting of Paris, IL
John M. Mahr of LaGrange, TN
DeCourcey O'Grady of Knoxville
Charles R. Hall of Grayville, IL
Richard R. Surby of Paris, IL

Principal Musicians
Matthias Errickson of Germantown, TN
Davis T. King of Decatur, IL
Thomas J. Ellis of Canton, IL
Edward M. Gibbs of Decatur, IL

Saddler Sgt. Valentine Smith of Grayville, IL
Saddler Sgt. Daniel R. Pruitt of Springfield, IL
Saddler Sgt. Caleb R. McKinney of Unknown residence
Saddler Sgt. Peter B. Small of Germantown, TN
Saddler Sgt. Joseph B. Maloney of Canton, IL

Farrier Sgt. DeWitt C. Rexford of Sublette
Farrier Sgt. William Seary of Cape Girardeau

Band Leader 
Henry G. Smith of Mt. Carroll, IL?

John Brissenden of Grayville, IL
Winfield S. Bedford of Rensalaer, IN
A. M. S. Clark of Grayville, IL
Angelo A. B. Clark of Grayville, IL
Gustavus Chaffee of Polo, IL?
Edward J. Foltz of Paris, IL
Harvey G. Fisher of Mt. Carroll, IL?
Samuel Finfrock of Polo, IL?
Harvey B. Simmons of Pecatonica
Joseph J. Strong of Decatur, IL
Samuel Sprecher of Mt. Carroll, IL?
Fordyce R. Waterbury of Buffalo
John Waterbury, Jr of Buffalo
Slais D. Whitney of unknown residence

Company A of the 7th Illinois Cavalry

Captain William D. Blackburn of Paris, IL, Promoted to Major
Captain Charles Hunting of Paris, IL
Captain Jacob J. LaGrange of Paris, IL

1st Lt. Charles Hunting of Paris, IL, Promoted to Captain
1st Lt. Jacob J. LaGrange of Paris, IL, Promoted to Captain
1st Lt. David V. Rhea of Paris, IL, Declined commission Mustered out
                                    11-04-1865 as 2nd Lt.
1st Lt. Marshall A. Hartley of Paris, IL

2nd Lt. James R. Morrison of Paris, IL, Resigned May 5, 1862
2nd Lt. Jacob J. LaGrange of Paris, IL, Promoted to 1st Lt.
2nd Lt. Daivd V. Rhea of Paris, IL, Promotion
2nd Lt. Marshall A. Hartley of Paris, IL, Promoted to 1st Lt.

1st Sgt. James Loughead of Paris, IL, discharged for disability

Q.M. Sgt. John Henderson of Paris, IL, discharged for disability

Sgt. Daniel C. Jones of Paris, IL, Promoted to Hospital Steward
Sgt. Richard W. Surby of Paris, IL, Re-enlisted as Veteran
Sgt. Marshall A. Hartley of Paris, IL, (Was Sgt. Major) Re-enlisted as Veteran

Cpl. John Ross of Paris, IL 
Cpl. Colonel P. Burns of Paris, IL, discharged for disability
Cpl. John Ditto of Paris, IL, mustered out 10-21-1864, as Sgt.
Cpl. John A Minor of Paris, IL, Died of Disease
Cpl. Henry Wilson of Paris, IL, Died at Atlanta, GA, while as a prisoner of war
Cpl. Cornelius B. Griffin of Paris, IL
Cpl. David V. Rhea of Paris, IL, Promoted to 2nd Lt.
Cpl. Eli Thayer of Paris, IL, Died of Disease

Bugler Jeremiah Y. Antrim of Paris, IL, mustered out 10-15-1864, as Sgt.
Buglar Oliver A. Keys of Paris, IL, mustered out 10-15-1864, as private

Farrier Henry Faith of Paris, IL, Killed by a ball from a Federal Battery

Blacksmith Michael Waggoner of Paris, IL

Saddler John W. Heck of Paris, IL, Re-enlisted as Veteran

Wagoner John L. Craig of Paris, IL, Died of Disease

George W. Burns, discharged for disability
Henry B. Barber
Richard Bishop, re-enlisted as Veteran
Sanford Battershell, re-enlisted as Veteran
Samuel Bell
Levi Bledsoe, discharged for disability
Hugh F. Burton, died of disease
John W. Clever, died of disease
Joseph W. Casteel transferred to Company E, 12th Illinois Infantry
William J. Carver
James W. Denham, Died?
Frank Denham transferred to Company E, 12th Illinois Infantry
Daniel W. Duck
James M. Duck
George W. Douglas re-enlisted as Veteran
Isaac M. Dewey mustered out 10-15-1864, as Q.M. Sgt.
Michael Dailey absent [sick] at mustering out of the regiment
William H. Easom mustered out 10-15-1864, as Farrier
George W. Fox discharged for disability
Seth R. Fox re-enlisted as Veteran
Edward J. Fults transferred to Regimental Band
Thomas J. Faith discharged for disability
William A. Gillespie discharged for disability
William Gibbens
James Gibbens
Lindley Green Died?
Adam Housam discharged for disability
Franklin S. Helt
Jesse F. Helt
John O. F. Henderson discharged 03-27-1863 for disability
John James
Joseph Johnston promoted Company Commanding Sgt., transferred to Company F,
19th Regiment V.R.C., 08-09-1864 and mustered out as Sgt., 11-02-1864,
Elmira, N.Y.
John B. Johnson
Leonard S. Kelch
Jacob J. LaGrange promoted to 1st. Sgt. & then to 2nd Lt.
Samuel H. Light re-enlisted as Veteran
Thomas Mathis re-enlisted as Veteran
William R. Maddox
James McComas discharged for disability
Mark McDonald
Reymnolds McFerren re-enlisted as Veteran
John B. Miller Died?
William W. Miller
Elias F. Moyer discharged 08-26-1863 for disability
John Morierty re-enlisted as Veteran
Levi Mann {Deserted 10-25-1861}
Wireman Newlon transferred to Invalid Corps.
James H. Post mustered out 10-15-1865 as Blacksmith
Horce V. Phipps
Isaac N. Ray discharged for disability
Daniel Ransdell discharged for disability
Francis M. Smith re-enlisted as Veteran
Hiriam B. Smith re-enlisted as Veteran
Elias Stewart re-enlisted as Veteran
Alva B. Thomas
Aaron Taylor
Milton Tyler re-enlisted as Veteran
Amander G. Tweedy (Mortally wounded in Skirmish)
William E. Vanhouten
James Vanhouten
George W. Wolverton discharged for disability
Erasmus J. Wyeth mustered out 10-15-1864, as Sgt.
John M. Wyeth Died?
Robert Wright re-enlisted as Veteran
Ammiel Wills discharged for disability
Samuel K. Wilds Died?
Thomas R. Whelan

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