part of a volume entitled History of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry: From Organization To Muster Out --Statistics Compiled by Aaron Dunbar Sergeant, Company " B", Revised and Edited by Harvey M. Trimble, Adjutant

Submitted by Jeffrey MacAdam, to whom every reader should be grateful.

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Capt. David Lloyd, Company K.


DAVID LLOYD, was born August 23rd, 1810, at Springfield Massachusetts. He was married to Eliza Seaver, October 9, 1833, and removed to Illinois in 1838. They had three sons and two daughters, viz.: D. H. Lloyd, of Champaign, Illinois, Mrs. Jennie Lees, of Attica, Kansas, J. H. Lloyd, of Milo, Missouri, who served in the Civil War as a member of the Fifty-Second Illinois, Mrs. Francis M. Herrick, of Princeton, Illinois, whose husband was also in the service, and George O. Lloyd, of Bloomington, Illinois.

Captain Lloyd showed a military turn of mind during the earlier years of his life. He was for several years a member of the State Military Band, and captain of a militia company at Springfield, Massachusetts. After coming to Illinois, he was active in all the musical and martial festivities of the early frontier settlements. His first business venture, in Illinois, was in company with a Mr. G. Bliss. They kept a small hotel, and cultivated a farm, for a year or two at Lamoille. Then Captain Lloyd kept a new hotel, built by Mr. Kendall. The operatives and passengers of the then celebrated Frank Walker & Co, stage line always stopped there. Some years later, Captain Lloyd and Mr. Hiram Johnson were in business together as brick masons and builders. They built some of the earlier brick residences of Princeton and vicinity, among others the homes of some of the Bryants and of Parker N. Newell. In 1842, Captain Lloyd and a Mr. T. T. Thompson bought government lands together, a part of which afterward became the Lloyd homestead in Clarion township, southwest of Lamoille. In 1856, Captain Lloyd and Captain White of Princeton formed a partnership as contractors and builders. That firm built the present county jail, courthouse, American House, Presbyterian Church, Stevens home, and several buildings on Main Street, in Princeton, and also the schoolhouse at the railroad crossing east of Princeton. The firm was dissolved when Captain Lloyd entered the service in 1862. Captain Lloyd was a very active man of affairs, and for many years was supervisor and justice of the peace for the town of Clarion.

He was strongly identified with the Abolition Party, and such men as Owen Lovejoy, Caleb Cook, Seth C. Clapp and Deacon Holbrook were quite frequently at his home. Mrs. Lloyd is still living, with her daughter, Mrs. Francis M. Herrick, at Princeton, Illinois, enjoying quite good health, and has clear recollections of the scenes and events of the past sixty years in Bureau County.

Captain Lloyd, with the aid of his lieutenants, recruited Company K of the Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry in August, 1862, and was elected Captain of the company at the date of its organization, August 19th, 1862. He served continuously with the command until he was killed in battle, at Champion Hill, Mississippi, May 16th, 1863. His company was the extreme left of the right wing of the army, in that battle, and it was twice flanked and enfiladed by the enemy, and lost about one-half its entire membership present at the battle, in the short space of one hour. Neither he nor his company flinched for a single moment at any time during that terrific hour, from the immense responsibility cast upon them by reason of their position in the battle. The captain fell on the line, "with his face to the foe." His son, George, although then only sixteen years of age, was with his father in the service, and remained all night by the side of his father's dead body on the battlefield. Subsequently, the boy returned to his home with Major Fisher and Captain Crooker, of Mendota, Illinois, and soon after enlisted in the Fifty-Second Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. The body of Captain Lloyd was removed from the place of his interment, at Champion Hill, and placed in Grave No. 4,314, in the National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Mississippi. And there he fills a hero's grave and rests in peace.

Capt. Clark Gray, Company K.


CLARK GRAY, in 1866, engaged in the mercantile and grain business at Arlington, Illinois.

In 1868, he was elected clerk of the Circuit Court and ex-officio recorder of Bureau County, Illinois, and held the office four years. From 1873 to 1875, he was engaged in business at St. Louis, Missouri, from whence he returned to Princeton, Illinois, during the last of those years, and became cashier of the Farmer's National Bank at that place. In the fall of 1876, he removed to Chicago, Illinois, where, as part proprietor of the Clifton House, he remained two years, and then returned to Princeton.

In 1883, he removed to Larned, Kansas, where for seven years he was president of the Larned State Bank, and afterward engaged in the practice of law.

In 1893, he was elected grand commander of Knights Templar of Kansas by the grand commandery of that state. During the same year, he removed to Columbia, Nebraska, having been elected cashier of the Commercial Bank of the city, and remained there until 1895, when, on account of bronchial and lung troubles, he removed to Denver, Colorado, under advice of his physician. There he soon became interested in mines and mining stocks.

In 1873, he was married to Miss Anna M. Cushman of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, who, in 1885, died of consumption, at Aiken, South Carolina, to which place she had been taken by her husband in the hope that the genial air of that climate might stay the progress of the dreaded disease.

In 1887, he was again married, to Miss Elnora Martin of Rochester, New York, who continues to share his fortunes.

His present address is Denver, Colorado, and at his home there all old friends and comrades will receive a hearty welcome.

Pvt. Lorenzo D. Hopkins, Company K


LORENZO D. HOPKINS, soon after the close of the war, became engaged in railroad service. He passed through all the different grades in the transportation department, to wit, brakeman, freight conductor, passenger conductor, trainmaster and division superintendent, to the position of superintendent, which he now holds. He has charge, as superintendent, of all the lines operated and controlled by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company in the state of Missouri. His headquarters and address are Sedalia, Missouri.

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