part of a volume entitled History of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry: From Organization To Muster Out --Statistics Compiled by Aaron Dunbar Sergeant, Company " B", Revised and Edited by Harvey M. Trimble, Adjutant

Submitted by Jeffrey MacAdam, to whom every reader should be grateful.

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Orrin Wilkinson, Captain, Company E.


ORRIN WILKINSON, was born September 27th, 1836, in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. In 1838, he was brought by his parents to La Salle County, Illinois, and in 1844, to Bureau County, Illinois, where he has resided ever since. He was reared on a farm adjoining Buda, where he resided until 1852. He was educated in the common schools. In 1852, he removed to Tiskilwa and continued his home there until 1892. Since that year his residence has been in Princeton, Illinois. In 1859, he formed a copartnership with Mr. John H. Welsh, and engaged in mercantile business, keeping a general store, until August, 1862. At the time, he enlisted and organized Company E, Ninety- Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, of which he was elected captain, and with which he served during the war until mustered out in 1865, as shown in the roster of that company. He was married to Miss Margaret A. Welsh march 13th, 1861. She departed this life June 19, 1862. He was married to his present wife, Miss Sarah A. Smith, October 10th, 1865. After the war, he was engaged in the insurance and general collecting business until 1877. In that year, he formed a copartnership with Mr. Max W. Keigley, and engaged in a general mercantile business until December, 1890, when he disposed of his interest to accept office as county clerk. In April, 1860, he was elected justice of the peace and was continuously reelected and held the office until December 1st, 1890. In April 1859, before he was twenty-three years old, he was elected supervisor of the town of Arispie, and served a such one year. In April, 1880, and continuously thereafter, he was elected supervisor of that town, and served until December 1, 1890. He was continuously appointed by the school trustees of that town a township treasurer, and served as such from 1872 to 1891. On November 4th, 1890, he was elected county clerk of Bureau County, Illinois, took the office December 1st, 1890, and served therein until December 3rd, 1894. He retired from active business at the expiration of his term of office as county clerk. His address is Princeton, Illinois.

Lyman J. Wilkinson, First Lieut., Company E.


LYMAN J. WILKINSON, was born August 17th, 1833, in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. In 1838, he came with his parents to La Salle County, Illinois, and from thence, in 1844, to Bureau County, Illinois. He was educated in the common schools. Was reared on a farm and made farming his business in early life. From 1844 to 1852, he resided on a farm adjoining Buda, and thereafter for two years he resided in Tiskilwa. In 1854, he was married to Miss Emeline Stevens. From that time until 1860, he was engaged in farming, a part of the time in Bureau County, and a part in Henry County, Illinois. In the latter year, he assisted in the enlistment and organization of Company E, Ninety-Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry. On the organization of the company, he was elected First Lieutenant, and served with the company until his health failed, in 1863, when he resigned, as shown by the roster of the company.

In 1869, he was appointed superintendent of Bureau County Farm, by the board of supervisors of the county, and served until March, 1872. At that time, he resigned the place to accept the superintendency of henry County Infirmary, to which he had been elected by the board of supervisors of that county. He has been continuously reelected and has served in that capacity ever since, more than twenty-five years. His address is Geneseo, Illinois.

Wm. C. Kinney, First Lieut., Company E.


WILLIAM CRANE KINNEY, was born on a farm in Lenawee County, Michigan, February 3rd, 1838. He was educated in the public schools. He removed to Bureau County, Illinois, in 1859, and engaged in teaching, reading law during his leisure moments. In 1860 to 1861, he attended law school, graduating from the Union College of Law, at Chicago, Illinois. In July, 1862, he enlisted as assisted in raising Company E of the Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was elected Second Lieutenant of that company in September of that year, vice Edward S. Johnson, who was elected quartermaster of the regiment. He was mustered into service at Chicago, Illinois, October 13th, 1862. He served as aide-de-camp on the brigade staff for about a year.

At the close of the war he settled at Nashville, Tennessee, where he remained until 1870, when removed to Kansas City, Missouri. In 1872 he removed to Chicago, Illinois, where he has since resided, being engaged in real estate and mortgage loan business.

He was married in 1869, to Miss Mary C. Troy, of Jacksonville, Illinois, who departed this life in 1891, leaving one son, Troy S. Kinney, who was born in 1871.

While living in Nashville, Tennessee, he served two years in the city council, one year of which he was president of the board of aldermen. Since he has resided in Chicago, Illinois, he was for two years a member of the board of trustees of Hyde Park, and two years an alderman of the city of Chicago.

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