part of a volume entitled History of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry: From Organization To Muster Out --Statistics Compiled by Aaron Dunbar Sergeant, Company " B", Revised and Edited by Harvey M. Trimble, Adjutant

Submitted by Jeffrey MacAdam, to whom every reader should be grateful.

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In memory of our brave comrades who fell in defense of the Union and Flag, and of all our comrades since deceased, and to the surviving members of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, this volume is dedicated.

No braver men than they who fell,
E'er heard, unblanched, the battle yell;
They fought as only heroes fight,
And died as heroes only might.


The following history, dedicated to the memory of the deceased heroes of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and to its surviving members, has been compiled from such sources of information as were available, including diaries kept during the war, regimental records preserved, the reports of the Adjutant General of Illinois, and other war publications.

It was in the hearts of those connected with its preparation to make particular mention of and give personal credit for many brave deeds performed by officers and men of this hard-fighting regiment, but neither time nor space would admit of it. The effort has been to present a true statement of the principal movements and services of the regiment. That errors will be found is not doubted. It would be vain to expect absolute accuracy after the lapse of so many years, although it is only an attempt to give the history of a single regiment, and not a history of the war. Some movements of the armies are given as written by others, in order that the reader may better understand and appreciate the movements of this command. It was also deemed advisable to give the most graphic description ever written of the great Chattanooga Campaign, and its marvelous battles and battlefields, to convey a better view of the realities of modern warfare than might otherwise be presented. The particular dates and times of the movements of the regiment, the places of its encampment, and the lines of its travels and marches, have been inserted, because the same may, at some time, be of service to the surviving members of the command, even at the risk that they may be monotonous and tedious to the general reader.

The labor of preparing these pages has been extended over a considerable period of time, because it has been performed, of necessity, in the few leisure hours that busy men could find to devote to it. The imperfect result is now very respectfully submitted to the kind consideration of the surviving members of the Grand Old Regiment, and to the like kind consideration of those who, by the ties of kinship, and from patriotic impulse, may be interested in its achievements in the cause of the Union.


Princeton, Illinois, October 5, 1898.

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