part of a volume entitled History of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry: From Organization To Muster Out --Statistics Compiled by Aaron Dunbar Sergeant, Company " B", Revised and Edited by Harvey M. Trimble, Adjutant

Submitted by Jeffrey MacAdam, to whom every reader should be grateful.

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On the thirteenth day of July, A. D. 1865, Major General Logan issued the following farewell order:

Headquarters Army of the Tennessee.
Louisville, Ky., July 13, 1865,

Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Tennessee:

The profound gratification I feel in being authorized to release you from the onerous obligations of the camp and return you laden with laurels to homes where warm hearts wait to welcome you, is somewhat embittered by the painful reflection that I am sundering the ties which trails made true, time made tender, suffering made sacred, heroism made honorable, and fame made forever fearless of the future. It is no common occasion that demands the disbandment of a military organization, before the resistless power of which mountains bristling with bayonets have bowed, cities have surrendered, and millions of brave men have been conquered. Although I have been but a short period your commander, we are not strangers; affections have sprung up between us during the long years of doubt, gloom and carnage which we have passed through together, nurtured by common perils, sufferings and sacrifices, and riveted by the memories of gallant comrades whose bones repose beneath the sod of a hundred battlefields, which neither time nor distance will weaken or efface. The many marches you have made, the dangers you have despised, the haughtiness you have humbled, the duties you have discharged, the glory you have gained, the destiny you have discovered for the county in whose cause you have conquered, all recur at this moment, in all the vividness that marked the scene through which we have just passed. From the pens of the ablest historians of the land, daily, are drifting out upon the current of time, page upon page, volume upon volume, of your heroic deeds, which, floating down to future generations, will inspire the student of history with admiration, the patriotic American with veneration for his ancestors, and the lover of republican liberty with gratitude to those who, in a fresh baptism of blood, reconsecrated the powers and energies of the republic to the cause of constitutional freedom. Long may it be the happy fortune of each and every one of you to live in the full fruition of the boundless blessings you have secured to the human race! Only he whose heart has been filled with admiration for your impetuous and unyielding valor in the thickest of the fight can appreciate with what pride he recounts the brilliant achievements which immortalize you and enrich the pages of our national history. Passing by the earlier, but not less signal triumphs of the war, in which most of you participated, and inscribed upon your banners, such victories as Donelson and Shiloh, I recur to campaigns, sieges and victories that challenge the admiration of the world and elicit the unwilling applause of all Europe. Turning your backs upon the blood-bathed heights of Vicksburg, you launched into a region swarming with enemies, fighting your way and marching without adequate supplies to answer the cry for succor that came to you from the noble but beleaguered Army of the Tennessee, and your weary limbs found rest before the embattled heights of Mission Ridge, and there, with dauntless courage, you breasted again the enemy's destructive fire, and shared with your comrades of the Army of the Cumberland the glories of a victory than which no soldier can boast a prouder. In that unexampled campaign of vigilant and vigorous warfare, from Chattanooga to Atlanta, you freshened your laurels at Resaca, grappling with the enemy behind his works, hurling him back dismayed and broken. Pursuing him from thence, marking your path by the graves of fallen comrades, you again triumphed over superior numbers at Dallas, fighting your way from there to Kenesaw Mountain, and under the murderous artillery that frowned from its rugged heights, with a tenacity and constancy that find few parallels, you labored, fought and suffered through the boiling rays of a Southern midsummer sun, until at last you planted your colors upon the topmost heights. Again, on July 22, 1864, rendered memorable through all time for the terrible struggle you so heroically maintained under discouraging disasters, and the saddest of all reflections, the loss of that exemplary soldier and popular leader, the lamented McPherson, your matchless courage turned defeat into a glorious victory. Ezra Chapel and Jonesboro added new luster to a radiant record, the latter unbarring to you the proud Gate City of the South. The daring of a desperate foe, in thrusting his legions northward, exposed the country in your front, and though rivers, swamps and enemies opposed, you boldly surmounted every obstacles, beat down all opposition and marched onward to the sea, without any act to dim the brightness of your historic page. The word rang plaudits when your labors and struggles culminated at Savannah and the old starry banner waved once more over the walls of one of our proudest cities of the seaboard. Scarce a breathing spell had passed, when you colors faded from the coast, and your columns plunged into the swamps of the Carolinas. The sufferings you endured, the labors you performed and the successes you achieved in those morasses, deemed impassable, from a creditable episode on the history of the war. Pocotaligo, Salkehatchie, Edisto, Branchville, Orangeburg, Columbia, Bentonville, Charleston and Raleigh are the names that will ever be suggestive of the resistless sweep of your columns through the territory that cradled and nurtured, and from whence was sent forth on its mission of crime, misery and blood, the disturbing and disorganizing spirit of secession and rebellion.

The work for which you pledged your brave hearts and brawny arms to the government of your fathers you have nobly performed. You have seen in the past, gathering through the gloom that enveloped the land, rallying as the guardians of man's proudest heritage, forgetting the thread unwoven in the loom, quitting the anvil and abandoning the workshops, to vindicate the supremacy of the laws and the authority of the constitution. Four years have you struggled in the bloodiest and most destructive war that ever drenched the earth with human gore; step by step you have borne one standard, until to-day, over every fortress and arsenal that Rebellion wrenched from us, and over city, town and hamlet, from the lakes to the gulf, and from ocean to ocean, proudly floats the starry emblem of our national unity and strength. Your rewards, my comrades, are the welcoming plaudits of a grateful people; the consciousness that, in saving the republic, you have won for your country renewed respect and power at home and abroad; that in the unezampled era of growth and prosperity that dawns with peace, there attacheds mightier wealth of pride and glory than ever before to that loved boast, "I am an American citizen!" In relinquishing the implements of war for those of peace, let your conduct, which was that of warriors in time of war, be that of peaceful citizens in time of peace. Let not the luster of that brighter name that you have won as soldiers be dimmed by any i,proper acts as citizens, but as time rolls on let your record grow brighter and brighter and still brighter.

JOHN A. LOGAN, Major General.

On the thirtieth day of May A. D. 1865, Major General Sherman issued the fillowing farewell order:

Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi,
In the Field, Washington, D. C., May 30, 1865.
Special Field Orders, No. 76:

The general commanding announces to the armies of the Tennessee and Georgia that the time has come for us to part. Our work is done and armed enemies no longer defy us. Some of you will go to your homes and others will be retained in the military service till further orders. And now that we are all about to separate, to mingle with the civil world, it becomes a pleasing duty to recall to mind the situation of national affairs when, but little more than a year ago, we were gathered about the cliffs of Lookout Mouintain and all the future was wrapped in doubt and uncertainty. Three armies had come together from distant fields, with separate histories, yet bound by one common cause--the union of our country and the perpetuation of the government of our inheritance. There is no need to recall to your memories Tunnel Hill, with Rocky Face Mountain and Buzzard Roost Gap and the ugly forts of Dalton behind. We were in earnest, and paused not for danger and difficulty, but dashed through Snake Creek Gap and fell on Resaca; then on to the Etowah, to Dallas, Kenesaw, and the heat of summer found us on the banks of the Chattahoochie, far from home and dependent on a single road for supplies. Again we were not to be held back by any obstacle and crossed over and fought four hard battles for the possession of the citadel of Atlanta. That was the crisis of our history. A doubt still clouds our future, but we solved the problem, destroyed Atlanta, struck boldly across the state of Georgia, severed all the train arteries of life to our enemy, and Christmas found us at Savannah. Waiting there only long enough to fill our wagons, we again began a march which, for peril, labor and results, will compare with any ever made by an organized army. The floods of Savannah, the swamps of Cambahee and Edisto, the "high hills" and rocks of the Santee, the flat quagmires of the Pedee and Cape Fear rivers, were all passed in mid-winter, with its floods and rains, in the face of an accumulating enemy; and after the battles of Averysboro and Bentonville we once more came out of the wilderness to meet our friends at Goldsboro. Even then we paused only long enough to get new clothing, to reload our wagons--again pushed on to Raleigh and beyond, until we met our enemy suing for peace instead of war and offering to submit to the injured laws of his and our country. As long as that enemy was defiant, nor mountains nor rivers nor swamps nor hunger nor cold had checked us; but when he who had fought us hard and persistently offered submission your general thought it wrong to pursue him further and negotiations followed which resulted, as you will all know, in his surrender.

How far the operations of this army contributed to the final overthrow of the Confederacy and the peace which now dawns upon us must be judged by others, not by us, but that you have done all that men could do has been admitted by those in authority, and we have a right to join in the universal joy that fills our land because the war is over and our government stands vindicated before the world by the joint action of the volunteer armies and navy of the United States.

To such as ramain in the service your general need only remind you that success in the past was due to hard work and discipline, and that the same work and discipline are equally important in the future. To such as go home, he will only say that our favored country is so grand, so extensive, so diversified in climate, soil and productions, that every man may find a home and occupation suited to his taste. None should yield to the natuaral impatience sure to result from our past life of excitement and adventure. You will be invited to seek new adventures abroad: do not yield to the temptation, for it will lead only to death and disappointment. Your general now bids you farewell, with the full belief that as in war you have been good soldiers, so in peace you will be good citizens, and, if, unfortunately, new war should arise in our country "Sherman's Army" will be the first to buckle on its old armor and come forth to defend and maintain the government of our inheritance.

By order of Major General W. T. Sherman,
L. M. Dayton,
Assistant Adjutant General.

On the second day of June, A. D. 1865, Lieutenant General Grant issued the following farewell order:

Soldiers of the Armies of the United States:
By your partriotic devotion to your country in the hour of danger and alarm, your magnificient fighting, bravery and endurance, you have maintained the supremacy of the Union and the constitution, overthrown all armed opposition to the enforcement of the laws and of the proclamations forever abolishing slavery--the cause and pretext of the rebellion--and opened the way to the rightful authorities to restore order and inaugruate peace on a permanent and enduring basic on every foot of American soil. Your marches, sieges and battles, in distance, duration, resolution and brilliancy of results, dim the luster of the world's past military achievements, and will be the patriots' precedent in defense of liberty and right in all time to come. In obedience to your country's call you left your homes and families and volunteered in its defense. Victory has crowned your valor and secured the purpose of your patriotic hearts, and with the gratitude of your countrymen and the highest honors a great and free nation can accord, you will soon be permitted to return to your homes and families, conscious of having discharged the highest duties of American citizens. To achieve these glorious triumphs and secure to yourselves, your fellow countrymen and posterity the blessings of the free institutions, tens of thousands of your gallant comrades have fallen and sealed the priceless legacy with their blood. The graves of these a grateful nation bedews with tears, honors and memories, and will ever cherish and support their stricken families.

Lieutenant General.

Graphic of Table of Casualties
This tabulates casualties by company and by battle. The graphic is a 118 Kb JPG file.

Graphic of Table of the Fate of the 93rd Illinois Infantry
This tabulates, by company, the casualties, desertion, deaths since the war. The graphic is a 144 Kb JPG file.

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