part of a volume entitled History of the Ninety - Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry: From Organization To Muster Out --Statistics Compiled by Aaron Dunbar Sergeant, Company " B", Revised and Edited by Harvey M. Trimble, Adjutant

Submitted by Jeffrey MacAdam, to whom every reader should be grateful.

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Col. Holden Putnam


Camp. Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry,Bridgeport, Ala., December 7th, A. D. 1863. At a meeting of the officers of the Ninety- Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, called to-day, to commemorate the death of their lamented colonel, Holden Putnam, who fell in the battle of November 25th, 1863, on Mission Ridge, a committee was appointed, consisting of Maj. J. M. Fisher, Capt. J. P. Reel, and Capt. Orrin Wilkinson, to draft appropriate resolutions, the following were reported and unanimously adopted:

Whereas, In the mysterious providence of an all-wise God, we are called upon the mourn the loss of our beloved commander, the late Col. Holden Putnam, who was killed in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn., November 25th, 1863; therefore, Resolved, That the heart which ceased to beat when he fell upon the crest of Tunnel Hill, bearing down with him the emblem of our national life, yet speaks to us of the brave and efficient officer, the genial friend, and the earnest soldier. Resolved, That the regiment has lost a friend and valiant leader and faithful commander; the country a true and pure patriot, and an unselfish son; his fellow citizens an active and generous helper and a noble delegate in arms.

Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to his bereaved family and friends, and pray that God may assuage the grief of the household.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family, and also sent for publication to each of the county papers of the counties represented in the regiment.

N. C. BUSWELL, Lieut. Col., Commanding Regiment,
Attest: C. A. Griswold, Surgeon, Secretary.

Lieut. Col. N.C. Buswell, 1865 and 1896


NICHOLAS COLBY BUSWELL, was born December 5th, 1831, at Peachem, Caledonia County, Vermont. His father, James Buswell, moved to Peoria, Ill., 1834, and in 1837 to Osceola, Stark County, Illinois. In 1857, N. C. Buswell moved to Neponset, in Bureau County, Illinois, where he resided at the beginning of the war. At that place he recruited Company H of the Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in 1862.

In 1866, after the war, he received an appointment in the regular army, which he declined. In November of that year he was elected sheriff of Bureau County, Illinois. After the expiration of his term of office he was for eight years engaged in the livery business with Mr. Benjamin F. Cox, in Princeton, Illinois.

During the years 1873 and 1874, as agent for several farmer clubs, he went to Europe to purchase and import draft horses.

In 1877, he returned to his old home, at Neponset, where, in 1890, his wife, to whom he was married when he was but twenty years of age, departed this life. On April 21st, 1866, he was married again. His home is at Neponset, Illinois.

Major J. M. Fisher


JAMES M. FISHER, was born in Belmont, County, Ohio, April 15, 1822. He came to Illinois with his mother and her family in 1842. He worked on a farm until 1854. He was married to Matilda Thomas in December 1847. He was engaged in the grocery and grain business from 1854 until 1862. In the last mentioned year he recruited Company I of the Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was elected Captain of the company. On the 8th day of September, 1862, when the regiment was organized, at Princeton, Illinois, he was elected Major of the regiment by the line officers. At the close of the war he again engaged in the grain business at Princeton, Illinois, for about fifteen years. Since he retired from that business he has attended to his farm interests. He was many years supervisor for the town of Princeton, on the county board.

Capt., Rev. T. H. Haggerty


THOMAS H. HAGGERTY resigned his commission as captain of the Ninety-Third Illinois on account of illness. In June, 1863, he resumed the ministry. He was stationed at St. Joseph, Mo., where he remained until March, 1865. He was then placed over the Jefferson City District, of Missouri, embracing all the country from Kansas City to near St. Louis, and presided there for a full term. He served a full term in the Springfield District of Missouri. Bishop Bowman then sent him to the St. Louis District, of Missouri, where he remained until he resigned, and was sent, by Bishop Peck, to Jefferson City, Mo., as pastor, where he remained two years. Bishop Bowman sent him to Pleasant Hill, Mo. From there he went to Kansas City, Mo. From there he was again sent to the St. Louis District, where he served until he again resigned, and was placed in one of the city churches as pastor, where he remained a full term. He was then elected chaplain of the Evangelical Alliance, which position he still occupies, having under his charge about twenty thousand people annually.

For a number of years he was president of the board of trustees of the Missouri Military Institute, in Lexington, Mo., and so continued up to the time the institute was turned over to the state and the M. E. Church South. He was a member of the board of trustees of Lewis College, at Glasgow, during its life. For many years he has been in the board of trustees of McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois. He is at present president of the board of trustees of Carleton College, at Farmington, Missouri.

For years he has been a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Missouri, and has been department chaplain three times. In 1865 he was chaplain-in-chief of the National Encampment G. A. R. When general Sherman organized Ransom Post, G. A. R., at St. Louis, Missouri, he requested Chaplain Haggerty to join it and become its chaplain, which he did, and he has continued as its chaplain ever since. He is now about seventy years of age, and still a vigorous man. He remembers his old comrades with much pleasure, and writes frequently for Grand Army papers.

Adj. David W. Sparks

Adj. H. M. Trimble


HARVEY MARION TRIMBLE, who resides at Princeton, Illinois, was born near Wilmington, in Clinton, County, Ohio, January 27th, 1842. His father's name was Mathew Trimble, and his mother's maiden name was Lydia Thatcher. The family home was removed from Ohio to Illinois, and located on a farm near Princeton, in Bureau County, Illinois, October 25, 1843, and remained there until 1867, when it was changed to Princeton. The subject of this sketch was the sixth son. He has two sisters and one brother younger than himself. His education was obtained in the common schools, supplemented by a partial course at Eureka College, Illinois. He quit college to enter the army.

While executing orders received from his commanding officer, on January 13th, 1863, while on a scout, he was captured by the enemy, near Ridgeway, Tennessee, and remained a prisoner fourteen days, being released on January 27, 1863, which was the twenty-first anniversary of his birth. He rejoined the regiment January 30, 1863, near Memphis, Tennessee.

During the entire period of his service, he was on every march, (except about ten miles, when he was a prisoner), and in every battle and skirmish in which the command participated.

In August, 1863, Colonel Putnam recommended him, to the Governor of Illinois, for promotion to a captaincy. He had no intimation of the recommendation until several days had escaped after it was made. When he learned of it, he promptly declined the promotion, and so wrote to Governor Yates, and the commission was not issued. On January 27th, 1864, Lieut., Col. Buswell gave him a military album, inscribed as follows:

"Head Quarters 93rd Ill. Inf'ty. Vols.,
"Huntsville, Ala., January 27, 1864.
"Harvey M. Trimble, Sergeant Major 93rd Ill. Inf'ty.
"Allow me to present to you, on this, your 22nd birthday, this album, as a slight token of respect for your manly courage at the battles of Jackson, May 14th; Champion Hill, May 16th; Siege of Vicksburg, from May 19th to July 4, and Tunnel Hill, November 25, 1863. Also for your gentlemanly and soldierly bearing and strict attention to duty, whether in Camp, on the March or Field of Battle.
Lt. Col., Comd'g Regt."
On being relieved from duty as Acting Assistant Adjutant General of the brigade, the Brigade Commander issued and presented to him the following complimentary order:
"Head Quarters 2nd Brig., 4th Div., 15th A. C.,
"Near Washington D. C., May 31st, 1865.
"General Orders No. 11.
"Lieut. H. M. Trimble, having, at his own request been relieved from duty as A. A. A. General of this Brigade, The General Commanding desires to express his pleasure at the manner in which he has performed his duties, and his high appreciation of him as an efficient officer, in office, camp and field."
"By order of
"T. B. Stanford, Capt. and A. A. A. Gen."
"To Lieut. H. M. Trimble, Adjt. 93rd Ill. Vol. Infty."
On his return home, in the employ of the clerk of the Circuit Court, he arranged and indexed all the cases previously disposed of in that court. On December 4th, 1865, he was appointed deputy clerk of the Circuit Court of Bureau County, Illinois, and served in that capacity until November 20th, 1867, when he retired.

On October 9th, 1866, he was married to Miss. Margeret S. Dakin. They have five sons, viz.: Winfred K., Cairo A., Robert C., Harvey D. and Perry D., and three grandchildren, viz.: Winfred E., Margeret V., and Cairo W., children of the three oldest sons, respectively. Immediately after the close of the war, he resumed the study of law, and was admitted to the Bar, licensed as an Attorney and Counselor at Law, on November 20th, 1867, and has been in regular practice continuously ever since, at Princeton, Illinois.

He was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Bureau County, by successive appointments, made by Judge Edwin S. LeLand, from April 1st, 1868 until December 26, 1877, at which latter date his resignation of the office, dated December 3rd, 1877, was accepted. He was elected as a member of the Board of Education of School District No. 1, in Princeton Township, April 6th, 1878, for one year, to fill a vacancy, and was reelected, for terms of three years each, successively, April 5, 1879, April 1st, 1882, April 4th, 1885, April 7th, 1888, April 18th, 1891, and April 21st, 1894, and served continuously until April 17, 1897. And he served as Secretary of the Board of Education from April 12th, 1880 until April 17, 1897, being elected each year by the board.

He was elected as a Member of the Board of Education of the Princeton High School District, June 7th, 1881, for two years, to fill a vacancy, and was reelected, for three years, June 5, 1883, and served until June 1st, 1886.

On February 27, 1886, he was appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council, as one of the first Board of Directors of the Public Library and reading Room of Princeton, Illinois, (the Matson Library), and served until July 1st, 1888, assisting in the organization of the library.

He was four times elected County Judge of Bureau County, Illinois, to wit, November 6th, 1877, November 7, 1882, November 2nd, 1886, and November 6th, 1894. He was commissioned as County Judge, December 1st, 1877 to date from December 3rd, 1877, and December 1st, 1882 to date from December 4th, 1882, and December 6th, 1886 to date from then, and November 21st, 1894 to date from December 3rd, 1894. He served continuously as County Judge from December 3rd, 1877 until December 4th, 1890, and again from December 3rd, 1894 until June 18th, 1897. He resigned the office June 8th, 1897, and the resignation became effective June 18th, 1897, when he was commissioned as Circuit Judge.

He was elected President of the Bureau County Soldiers' Association at the of its organization on July 8th, 1896, and reelected, at the first annual Re-Union, October 15th, 1896, for the term of one year. He was elected Commander of Ferris Post No. 309, Grand Army of the republic, Department of Illinois, located at Princeton, Illinois, December 9th, 1896, and was installed January 13th, 1897, (just thirty-four years after he was captured by the Confederates), for the term of one year. On June 7th, 1897, he was elected Circuit Judge, in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Illinois, composed of the counties of Bureau, La Salle and Grundy. He was commissioned as Circuit Judge June 18th, 1897, for the term of six years, and took the oath of office on that day.

Samuel Dorr, Quartermaster


SAMUEL DORR, after the war closed, returned to his farm life, with his wife near Neponset, Illinois, where two daughters, named Myra and Edna, were born to them. His wife died March 3rd, 1871. On November 18th, 1872, he was again married, to Nellie Sanborn. A few years later he sold his farm and moved to Belford, Iowa, where he engaged in the grain business. From there he moved to Burlington Junction, Missouri, and continued in the same business. In 1887, he went to Brewton, Alabama, with the purpose of benefit to the health of his wife. He was preparing to go into business there, when, on September 15th, 1887, he suddenly died. His wife returned to Neponset, Illinois, with his body, where he was buried. His family resides in Chicago, Illinois.

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