Illinois in the Civil War
The following information was supplied by Bob McConn. Bob notes:
This is a transcript
from an original framed document that has been passed down in our family
for several generations. Michael Wiar listed under the Privates was my
The Company was organized December 2, 1864 at Camp Butler Ill. by the consolidation of the Veterans of Companies C, G, and K of the old organization numbering 56 men, to which were added 40 drafted men and substitutes, making a full Company. Corporal Henry Wiar of Company G. was elected Captain; Private Wilson S. Boggs, of Company K, was elected 1st Lieut. and Private John H. McClay of Company G was elected 2nd Lieut. December 3, 1864 the Company moved by railroad to St. Louis, Mo., and thence to Bowling Green, Ky., where it remained one month. January 27, 1865, started from Bowling Green to join the 16th Army Corps under the command of Major General A. J. Smith at East Port, Mississippi, where we arrived February 2, 1865; were assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division 16th Army Corps February 6, 1865, and moved with the command by steamer to New Orleans, and thence by steamship to Dauphin Island the entrance of Mobile Bay. March 18, 1865, crossed Mobile Bay and prepared for an offensive movement against Mobile, and on the 27th succeeded in driving the rebels into their works at Spanish Fort. Private John Poutsch losing his leg by a bullet wound. After several days work by our men in throwing up works and digging saps and parallels, with continuing firing on the part of both sides, the enemy evacuated at 1 o'clock on the morning of April 9, 1865, after which Mobile was occupied by our troops. We then marched from Spanish Fort to Montgomery, and occupied the Capital on the 25th day of April, and started for Selma, and thence to Demopolis, Ala.
The forgoing is a record of the Company since its present organization. Before this time, however, the Veterans of the Company had served from the time of the original organization at Peoria, Ill, August 16, 1861, and during that time participated in the following battles, sieges &c:
- Island No. 10; New Madrid; Farmington, Miss., May 9, 1862;
- Corinth, May 28, 1862;
- Iuka, Miss., Sept. 19, 1862;
- Corinth, Oct. 3 and 4 1862;
- Jackson, Miss., May 4, 1863;
- assault on Vicksburg, May 22, 1863;
- siege of Vicksburg, ending July 4, 1863;
- Fort de Russey, La., March 14, 1864;
- Henderson Hill, La., March 22, 1864;
- Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864;
- Cloutierville, April 24, 1864;
- Cane River, April 25, 1864;
- Marksville Prairie, May 16, 1864, in which Serg't John Bommer
was killed;
- Yellow Bayou, May 18, 1864;
- Lake Chicot, Ark., June 6, 1864 where Corporal Alphonzo E.
Lamphear was killed, and Privates John Bates and
Arthurwyne Shorkey was wounded;
- Abbeyville, Miss., August 23, 1864,
- and in the campaign of Gens. Rosecrans and Smith after Price's rebel army through Arkansas and Missouri, ending Nov. 1, 1864.
Mustered out at Selma, Ala., January 21, 1866. Arrived at Camp Butler for final pay and discharge January 29, 1866.
Regimental Officers
D. W. Magee, Colonel
Ed. Bonham, Lieut. Col.
Royal Olmsted, Major
Henry T. Antis, Surgeon
J. B. Auten, Adjutant
Wm. M. Patton, R.Q.M.
Jacob Copes, Serg't Major
John Simpson, Hospital Steward
J. M. Kurke, Q.M. Serg't.
John Bell, Com. Serg't.
Peter J. McLaughlin, Prin. Mus'n.
Ubaldis Harker, Prin. Mus'n.
Company Officers
Henry Wiar, Captain
Wilson S. Boggs, 1st Lieut.
John H. McClay, 2d Lieut.
Veteran Sergeants.
William Seely, 1st
Walter Scott, 2d
Harvey R. McGarrah, 3d
William J. Faith, 4th
Henry Hixson, 5th
Veteran Corporals
Robert H. Bell
Albert H. Baldwin
Joseph T. McClure
Caleb Hill
James C. Faris
Sylvester Sylcott
Samuel Kleffman
John Bates
Corp'l. James B. Auten discharged for promotion, April 11, 1865
John F. Bell, from Corp'l. to Com. Serg't, Feb. 28, 1865
Henry Hixson, from Corp'l. to Serg't., Feb. 28, 1865
James C. Faris, from Private to Corp'l Feb. 28, 1865
Sylvester Sylcott, from Private to Corp'l Feb. 28, 1865
Samuel Kleffman, from Private to Corp'l Feb. 28, 1865
John R. Bates, from Private to Corp'l, October 16, 1865,
Vice William Hall reduced to ranks.
James W. Bales
Franz Rickard
Seth Bow
Allison, Hewey
Blankenship, Ezekiel
Baker, John
Boyls, James
Burns, James
Collins, James
Collins, John
Don, Robert
Dolevan, Freddrick
Gage, Peter F.
Garrison, John
Janson, Seaburn
Kyser, Joseph
Lane, James
Lamb, David L.
Marks, Henry
Marooney, John
McNutty, C. H.
Bullard, John R.
Bode, Henry
Buffington, Hamilton J.
Carson, Lewis, Vet.
Cavanaugh, James
Clark, Charles
Drummond, Secretus
Goodrich, Charles, Vet.
Green, Gilbert L.
Hendrick, Joel, Vet.
Holcomb, Samuel R., Vet.
Hixson, Oscar G.
Hall, William, Vet.
Kinkead, James, Vet.
Martin, Robert S., Vet.
McConn, James, Vet.
McLean, Aaron
McLean, John
Moore, Thomas
Oziah, David
Pousch, John, Vet.
Petty, John W.
Powers, Parris
Ryan, Peter
Scott, John, Vet.
Shorkey, Arthur W., Vet.
Shottenkirk, Thad., Vet.
Walls, Peter, Vet.
Wiar, Jacob, Vet.
Wiar, Michael, Vet.
Wiar, John, Vet.
Allen, Isaiah
Bixler, Samuel, Vet.
Byrne, Edward
Burdett, Robert J.
Bledsoe, Robert
Burkhardt, August
Brehme, Charles
Colburn, Julius
Curtis, George W.
Clark, William
Davidson, James
Davis, John W.
Detrickson, Christian
Faris, Robert P.
Ford, Sewell G.
Grove, Henry A.
Hatchel, George
Hand, Cyrus
Hays, Morris
Hazel, Randolph
Johnson, Dennis
Johnson, John
Kriling, Henry
Medaris, Jacob E.
Michelson, Emelian
Pelerson, Knud
Recke, Peter E.
Rickard, Areenas
Schade, Christian
Stout, Robley D.
Shupe, Solomon
Sprinkle, Henry
Stafford, William
Smallwood, Ervin
Alexander, David
Byron, Thomas
Brackley, Samuel R.
Barr, William
Curtis, Francis H.
Case, William
Collins, Smith
DuPuy, Garrett
Downs, Lyman L.
Eades, Joseph
Fagan, Lawrence
Fuller, Owen
Hart, Stacey B.
Houghtaling, John H.
Jeffries, Thomas
Johnson, There.
Johnson, John
Jacobs, Jeremiah
Leach, Charles C.
McKenzie, William
Murphy, James
Parsons, John H.
Sargent, Timothy
Stafford, Edgar
Searl, John H.
Stenner, Jacob
Sweet, Samuel W.
Tongue, George F.
Welsh, Richard
Wilkes, David
Wolverton, Richard C.
Wise, Peter
Zenor, John
Ruben M. Groves
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